


Graham set up the Somerset office of Prewett Bizley Architects in 2013.  Following his move to Somerset Graham began researching the British landscape. He is particularly interested in what the landscape means to different people and how we can build in the countryside in a way that is sustainable and enhances a sense of place.  He submitted a proposal on rural architecture for the British Pavilion at the 2014 Venice Biennale and was one of 4 shortlisted teams.

Graham has written regularly for various architecture journals and is the author of two books on architectural detailing published by the Architectural Press. He is currently working on a book on Rural Architecture.  Graham has lectured widely on the work of the practice at UK universities, is a part-time teaching fellow at the University of Bath and an external examiner at the Arts University Bournemouth.  He is a judge on the RIBA, AJ Sustainability, AJ Retrofit and AJ100 Awards. He sits on the Design West Review Panel, and previously on the Hackney Design Review Panel and on the Islington Conservation and Design Panel.   

Graham studied at Bath University and the ESTAB in Barcelona. Prior to establishing Prewett Bizley Architects he worked for practices in the UK, India and Zimbabwe.


Robert heads the London office of Prewett Bizley Architects and has developed considerable expertise in low-carbon construction, particularly in the field of retrofit. He is a certified Passivhaus designer and has presented a number of ground breaking retrofit projects at Passivhaus conferences, RIBA CPD events and the award winning Retrofit Coordinator course.

Robert is a member of the RIBA Sustainable Futures Group which advises the profession and government on the incorporation of sustainability in education, standards and policy. He is a founder member of the Passivhaus Trust and a technical advisor to the STBa (Sustainable Traditional Buildings Alliance). He has previously been a trustee of the charity RESET that aimed to deliver training and knowledge sharing to increase resilience within our built environment, particularly in areas facing severe climate change impacts.

From 2007-11 Robert was Course Coordinator for Construction and ran a Diploma level design studio at the University of Greenwich. He studied at Bath University and the Technische Universiteit in Delft. Before setting up practice with Graham Bizley he worked in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.